Case Study

CESPHN Workplace:

Activity Based Working Brief


Mascot, Sydney NSW

110 staff / 1700sqm

An adaptive space aligned with CESPHN peoples’ changing, flexible working patterns.

The Proposition

To build support among staff for more flexible ways of working and to consolidate staff from two sites to one.

The Brief

Antelope with Veldhoen + Company co-facilitated workstyle change workshops with Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (CESPHN) leaders to understand the appetite for a new way of working, exploring the why, what, and how of ABW and to co-create the aspirations for the new workplace.

Antelope created an ABW spatial concept to align to CESPHN’s vision of better health and wellbeing for all. The brief included a range of different shared settings for individual and collaborative work, suited to CESPHN’s staff activities.

Embracing a flexible way of working placed CESPHN in a future ready position to enable remote working during lockdowns. CESPHN are now considering whether to reduce their footprint further as they embrace even more hybrid ways of working.

“Antelope have challenged us to think about the way we currently work and what we want to change.“


Nathalie Hansen, CEO, CESPHN